creating a shortcut, and adding “-debug_mode” to the end of the target. Thankfully, the developers left in all their cheat codes.

Here's the full list of Crusader Kings 3 cheat codes and console commands: age Adds of age to. Surviving years of battles, scheming relatives.ĬK3 Cheats. Paradox Interactive's grand strategy is filled with war, strife, intrigue, and tons of drama. When white peace is made between two countries at war, the war and all forms of hostilities stop and. White peace is a peace treaty for countries at war. What is the cheat to force war or end truce, etc? No information is available for this page. Man the amount of bugs this game One of my Federation members declared a war and I can't end it. CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes. Without corrosponding DLCs the game will end. At least some were last verified for version Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or. It was awhile ago and I forget how exactly, but it. I'm fairly certain I just saved to a new save, exited CK2, and loaded it and it worked again. Use the "play charID " command to change the player, then the ""imprison charID" to imprison the oppenent in the war.

Hover mouse over protrait for extended info box.